Moving Beyond a Requirement: A Framework to Maximize the Full Benefits of Program Evaluation


Thursday, April 20, 2023, 2:00p-2:30pET

An increasing amount of federal funds are being dedicated to STEM educational-oriented efforts. This national investment is in large part due to the recognition that to maintain the continued vibrancy of the nation, it will be critical that we have a STEM workforce that can support future innovations. 1With such a high level of resources dedicated to addressing national challenges, it is understandable that funders want to understand the impact of these monies. Program evaluation is often required to serve this purpose because, at its best, it provides insights for continuous improvement as well as data on the impact of an initiative. 2However, the benefits of program evaluation are only optimally achieved when certain conditions are met.

In this webinar, we will provide a framework for creating the conditions to maximize the value that program evaluation can provide a grant-funded project. Participants will walk away from the webinar with a deeper understanding of how to:

  • Dissect the needs of the evaluation for a particular grant solicitation.
  • Align the needs of the grant-funded initiative to identify the right evaluation partner.
  • Ensure that the project team has sufficient capacity to leverage the findings from the evaluation strategically.

In this complimentary webinar, participants can also ask questions with real-time responses.


1“National Science Board Vision 2030,” National Science Board, 2020.

2Memorandum for Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies,

Evidence-Based Policymaking: Learning Agendas and Annual Evaluation Plans, – M-21-27 (Jun 30, 2021),
